Saturday, February 2, 2013

Penguins and TpT Super Sale!

WHAT a week!!  I am exhausted.  But in a good way.  :)

I sent home a penguin project last week which I discussed in a previous post.  I got the projects back on Thrusday, and BOY did I get some cute penguins!  I love seeing how creative my kids are, and they really enjoyed sharing their creations with the rest of the class.  I took a picture of a couple of penguins to share. 

Aren't they adorable!  I had more come in, but I forgot to take a picture I left for the weekend.  One of the penguins had a bikini made out of green penne pasta.  SO cute!  And- if you're interested - this penguin activity can be found in my Pretty Penguin unit at my TpT store.  Just click here!

I've been trying to plan ahead for the next month or so.  I had most of February ready, then I looked through my plan book and realized I completely missed next week!!  What?!?!!?  How does this happen?  Where did my brain go?  Oh well.  Looks like I am hitting the lesson plan books this weekend!

Speaking of fun weekends lesson planning.....  TpT is holding a huge site wide sale!  Participating stores have up to 28% off their products!  I have got my shopping cart full and ready to go!  Hop on over on Sunday and see some of the great lessons and activities from my creative TpT buddies!  Don't forget to use the promo code: SUPER!!!  Happy shopping!

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